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Year: 2023
Service Design project, HIT

Designers: Daniel Vaknin, Hen Rolbrud, Shir Zheavy, Myself.

Designing an alternative admissions and selection process for the Industrial Design Department at Holon Institute of Technology.

We researched and designed from the applicants' perspective, while ensuring that the process would also benefit the department.

 current admissions Journey

We conducted in-depth interviews with various applicants, and gathered insights from social media on their desires, expectations, and concerns about the process. This led to the creation of three representative personas.

 The current Journey of Tamar

Open day,
in person attendance

Creating portfolio.
"Where I even start? What considers to be good?"

Editing portfolio.
"How to organize it? what should I tell about the works?"

registration and preparation >

First Stage Online >

Main insights

In person interactions are valuable to the applicants.

Applicants are missing a reliable and accessible consultation.


With those insights in mind, we created a new Applicant Journey. This are it's main points.

Open Day

The open day will feature several short "Pecha Kucha" style talks by department faculty and alumni.


1 Networking and personal connections.

Access to both professional insights and informal advice from students and faculty.

Sharing knowledge and experiences with other applicants.

4 Introduction and registration for Miri, the application guiding applicants through the admissions process.

Nice To meet!

Miri App

Miri app offers:

Instant virtual support through a bot.

Provide guidance, professional and informal consultation throughout  the admission process.  

Gathers relevant Information, tutorials, and other materials that exists online on one feed. 
Provides an easy platform for building a portfolio, using familiar interfaces like an Instagram profile.

Let's learn and prepare.

Launch event

In the Launch event, Applicants are invited to the workshop for a short "hands-on" session, leaded by the faculty members. 


Getting familiar to a situation that is similar to the exam, in a light and positive way.

Provide help with home exam if needed. 

Let's get to work!

In person exam


Save applicants from the stress and time spent organizing, losing, and finding items due to inefficient use of the working tables.

Create a buffer between the exam and the interview By a casual talk of a few minutes with a student, to allow the applicant to shift mindset and be at their best.

Break a leg!


Interview goals:

Providing applicants with a sense of respect and professionalism. They are applying to a design school with exceptionally high admission standards.

Reprehensive Personas

The investor.

"I must to get in this year. Being a designer is my dream, I'll do everything needed.

The optimist easy going.
"I truly hope to get in. But Whatever will be, will be. Worst case, I'll try again next year."

The talent from Eilat city
"Can be very interesting. Still nut sure I want it".

Made it to second stage

Interview went well!

I didn't know how to work with metal sheet, and I was under stress. I used regular scissures. 

Get Called to interview room. "My heart sank"

Get a no.

preparation >

Second Stage In-Person Attendance >

Waiting >


The department's expectations are unclear to the applicants. 

Applicants may not necessarily know how to use the services and materials given to them effectively to succeed.

iPhone 12 Pro Mockup Front View 4.png
iPhone 12 Pro Mockup Front View.png
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iPhone 12 Pro Mockup Front View 3.png
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Group 3349_edited.jpg

Unfortunately, Tamar didn't make it to this year, but she will try again!
(and use Miri for sure).

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